This is a beat sheet for a script I wrote back in film school about the Olympian Gods fighting the Titans for control of Mount Olympus.
1. In a dark place. Voices can be heard. One of them says
that the first thing it would do is eat a bunch of
cows. Then keys can be heard jiggling. The new voice
and the first voice begin to talk and suddenly a lock
can be heard opening and footsteps can be heard
walking away.
2. HADES is facing at the souls walking and going over
the cliff. Suddenly 3 ladies appear, THE FATES. Hades
turns around and just stares at them. They talk about
a war breaking out between Troy and the rest of
3. Back in the dark place a voice asks when everyone will
be able to get out. Another voice answers saying that
they would wait until they get the signal.
4. Hades goes and runs into his wife, PERSEPHONE, she
tells him that they should go up and try to enjoy the
Olympic games with the rest of the gods. Hades says
that he tried that once, but the other gods would not
sit with him. They said that his presence seemed to
make everyone depressed.
5. High On Mount Olympus, ZEUS asks if Hades is coming.
The other gods’ say no and say that they really don’t
wont Hades anywhere near them. Zeus grabs a
thunderbolt and hurls it to earth to begin the games.
6. (Inciting Incident) While the games have started.
Everyone is paying attention to the games. There is an
earthquake and then a giant shadow comes over the
games. A TITAN has entered the mortal realm.
7. High on Mount Olympus, the gods have noticed the
Titan. Zeus calls for all the gods to meet him. HERMES
points out that everyone is present. Everyone but
Hades. Zeus tells Hermes to get Hades. Hermes leaves.
8. The Titan begins to head for Mount Olympus. On the way
he sees a statue in honor of Zeus. The Titan calls out
for Zeus and says that he wants to challenge Zeus. At
the same time Zeus has sent ARES and ATHENA to hold
the Titan and get some answers
9. Hades watches as the Titans is being taken down, when
Hermes appears. Hermes delivers the message. Hades
angered asks who would run his kingdom. Persephone
steps and says that she would run the kingdom. Hades
accepts and he heads to Mount Olympus.
10.Back in the dark place the voices begin to ask if it
time to come out. The Leader says yes. It’s the rest
of the Titans and they come rushing out and begin to
attack the mortal world.
11.(First Act Break) Hades goes to Mount Olympus and
confronts the other gods. Hades is blamed as the one
for letting the Titan out. Hades tired of being
blamed, gives up his power and his godhood. Zeus turns
to Hades and tells him that he has 5 days to find the
one responsible, if Not Hades will be thrown into
Tartarus and will never see his wife again.
12.Hades begins to walk down and, while Hades is walking
down he slips and falls. Hades gets up and is meet by
Hermes at the bottom of Mount Olympus. Hermes says
that Zeus has allowed to Hades to say goodbye to his
wife and then to begin looking for the one
responsible. Hades notices that Hermes is staring at
his forehead. Hades asks what’s wrong. Hermes points
to his forehead. Hades touches and sees blood.
13.The Titans have begun to rampage the cities and all
monuments to the Olympians. HERACLES (a.k.a. HERCULES)
is taking down the Titans. The Titan leader has
noticed this and has deiced to place a ‘hit’ on
Heracles. Anyone who can get Heracles will have seat
in the new Titan order.
14.On Olympus everybody keeps telling Zeus that he should
Hades should have been already placed in Tartarus.
Zeus goes to be alone, suddenly HEPHAESTUS appears and
asks Zeus what is wrong. Zeus says that it doesn’t
seem like something Hades would do. Hephaestus brings
up the time that Hades kidnapped Persephone. Zeus says
that he still isn’t convinced that Hades did, it had
to be some who knew how to get to the Titans.
15.Hades is saying good-bye to Persephone. She asks what
is Hades what is he going to do. Hade says that he
doesn’t know. That the best way to find out is to go
into the mortal realm and try to get an answer from
the Titans. She tells Hades to be careful.
16.The Titans have destroyed most of the cities on their
way to Mount Olympus. The LEADER (Name TBA) says that
they must rest and come up with a plan to attack Mount
Olympus. Suddenly he hears someone rattling and the
woods and then hears two whistles. The leader goes
back and begins to talk. The Leader learns that Hades
has been given the blame. The Leader says that it
doesn’t matter as long as he (the person talking to
the leader) does his job right. The person leaves. The
Leader returns and tells them that so far there is
nothing holding them back.
17.Hades wakes up and sees Hermes at the foot of the bed.
Hermes says that Zeus has sent him to escort him to
the place where Zeus wishes for Hades to start. Hermes
stops at the field where the Olympics where being
held. Hades is told that he should start here because
this where the first Titan appeared and it seems that
the Titans are still around in the general area.
Before Hermes leaves he asks Hades what it feels like
to be mortal. Hades doesn’t answer.
18.Hermes returns to Mount Olympus. Zeus asks if how
Hades took the news. Hermes says that not so well.
Hermes asks about the gates. Zeus explains that
Hephaestus is building a gate to keep the Titans out.
Hephaestus let them know that it’s the thing he is
most of proud of only he has the key so that no one
can come in or out.
19.Hades walks and looks at the dead bodies. Hades
doesn’t seem to be unmoved. Then a pillar begins to
head his way; two kids push him out of the way. Hades
says that he is grateful and hungry. The kids take him
to their place. When Hades arrives to the children
house, he discovers that he is arrived at HERACLES’
20.There’s a group of 5 Titans. The rest of the Titans
voices can be heard in the background destroying
voices. One of the Titans asks if everything is ready
for attacking Olympus. Leader says that yes. Tomorrow
night they will attack but first they have to get rid
of Heracles.
21.Heracles and Hades begin to talk about what is
happening and how it feels to be mortal. Heracles
reminds Hades about his wife, if Hades doesn’t go
through with his mission. Hades says that he doesn’t
really deserve her. Heracles also brings up family.
With that they go to sleep.
22.Zeus gathers the rest of the gods around and tells the
gods that Ares, Athena and himself have come up with a
plan to attack the Titans at morning. Zeus begins to
give out the orders on who will be doing what.
23.The Titans informant shows up and tells them about the
new plan Zeus has. Leader wakes up the other Titans
and has them get ready to attack Olympus. Leader asks
the informant where Heracles lives. The informant
gives the information. Leader has a 2 Titans go to
Heracles’ house and kill him and Hades.
24.(Pt. Hosh) Hades having a dream. Suddenly he is
awakened by the shakes. Hades and Heracles see the
Titans coming towards Heracles’ home. Hades and
Heracles fight the Titans fight. One of them is
destroyed. Hades and Heracles ask them who let the
Titans out. The Titan only says that one of the
Olympians is responsible. Heracles and Hades let the
Titan go. Hades after thinking for a while says that
he thinks he knows who is the one who let the Titans
out. Hades begins to run towards Mount Olympus
25.Hermes goes to Zeus and tells him that Titans have
somehow found out about their plans. Zeus calls out
all the gods has them take their positions. Zeus, Ares
and Athena go down to the mortal world to fight the
Titans. Hermes is looking down and making sure that
everyone is doing his or her job. Suddenly behind
Hermes stands Hephaestus. Hephaestus knocks Hermes out
and tells everyone else that everything is ok. It was
a false alarm. Hephaestus begins to opens the gates
that he built.
26.Zeus and the other two gods join Heracles, they are
taking the Titans one by one. Heracles informs that
Hades is on his way to Mount Olympus and that he knows
who is the one who let the Titans out.
27.The Titans are getting ready to head out toward
Olympus when the Titan that Hades and Heracles let go
comes back and tells them what happened. He also says
that he thinks that Hades could be on his way to warn
the others.
28.(Second Act Break) Hades is running through the fields
but suddenly a big arm grabs him. The Titans have
caught Hades. Leader goes up Hades and says that Hades
can’t stop them now. Hades is thrown into a nearby
cave and a boulder is rolled over the cave.
29.Persephone is staring as the souls begin to come in
faster and faster. Tired of seeing the kingdom
overflow with souls she goes to her room and grabs one
of Hades clothes and goes and finds CERBERUS.
Persephone makes Cerberus sniff the clothes. After a
few strong sniffs Cerberus begins to run out to find
30.Zeus and the rest have taken down some Titans but the
Titans are overpowering them all. They retreat back to
Mount Olympus. Once Zeus returns to Mount Olympus he
sees that Leader has taken his thrown. Sitting to
Leader’s right is Hephaestus.
31.Hades is trying to push the boulder. He runs with all
his speed when suddenly the boulder begins to move.
Hades sees Cerberus. Then he sees Persephone riding
Cerberus. Hades tells Persephone what is happening.
They head to Mount Olympus
32.Zeus, Ares and Athena begin to fight off the Titans.
Some of the gods are trying to break their chains.
Some of the Titans are falling right off the top of
Mount Olympus others are standing there ground.
Suddenly the gates coming falling down. Cerberus has
brought it down. Hephaestus sees Hades and begins to
run away.
33.Hades pulls Zeus to the side and asks for his powers
back. Zeus gladly gives back the powers. Zeus
apologizes for not believing Hades says that know is
not the time. Both brothers run into battle.
34.Hades begins all the Titans he possible can. Suddenly
the all fall dead. Zeus begins to throw back the
thunderbolts with more force. Only one Titan is left.
Leader. Hades begins to run and look for Hephaestus.
35.Hades finds Hephaestus grabbing all of his belongings.
Hades asks why did Hephaestus betray the family.
Hephaestus answers saying that Hades will never
understand what it’s like to be made fun of and never
be respected by the rest. Suddenly Hephaestus makes a
jump to Hades with a sword Hades barely miss the sword
but he manages to touch Hephaestus. Hephaestus is
36.Hades reunites with the rest of the Olympians and sees
that the Titans are all dead. They are begin thrown
over the cliff. Hades reunites with Persephone and
tells her that she’s missed her. Zeus comes up and
begs for Hades for never being a better brother. Hades
says not to worry. Hades gets on Cerberus with
Persephone and head back to their castle.